Left Behind

22 May

“We have to get on that flight!”

The desperation in the woman’s voice tore my attention away from my mindless searching of the Internet while I waited for my plane to board. I was on my way home after a quick trip to Boston to surprise my mother for her 83rd birthday. I was tired, but looking forward to finishing the last leg of my journey. As I blatantly eavesdropped on the conversation one gate over, I realized I wasn’t the only one eager to get on a plane.

The passenger continued to plead with the ticket agent, but she just shook her head. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the gate is closed,” She explained. “I made multiple announcements and even paged you by name, but you never came. Now it’s too late.”

“But we’ve been sitting right over there the whole time. How could we have not heard the announcements?” the woman asked, anger beginning to replace the desperate tone she’d had earlier.

“I don’t know, but I can’t do anything for you now,” the agent replied, reaching for the gate’s door, obviously eager to escape this uncomfortable situation.

“Thanks for all your help,” the woman snarled, sarcasm dripping from every word, before storming off, her husband in tow. They’d been in the right place the whole time, but they’d still missed their flight.

What about you? Are you in the right place, but still missing God’s call? You’ve been a lifelong Christian, faithfully ensconced in your favorite pew each Sabbath, active in church activities, but have you grown too comfortable, drowsy perhaps, unaware of the time?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:42, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” (KJV)

The lady in the airport missed her flight because she wasn’t keeping watch, wasn’t paying attention. How about you? The signs of the times are everywhere. Are you keeping watch or is your heart “weighed down with…cares of this life,…so that day come upon you unawares”? (Luke 21:34 NKJV)

Right now God is calling your name, warning time is short, that it’s time to get onboard, but are you so wrapped up in “life” you’re missing the chance to really live?

It’s time to wake up my friends! It’s time to look up from your cell phones, and all the other things distracting you, and realize Jesus’ coming is “near, even at the doors.” (Matthew 24:33 KJV).

Time is slipping away. The gate is about to close. Don’t wait a moment longer. Get on board. Don’t be left behind!

One Reply to “Left Behind”

  1. Thanks for the reminder. LIfe is short and time passes so quickly! May God continue to give you words to speak to us all! Your Mom

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