Plug Into the Power

29 May

“I think I’m going to have to buy a new tablet,” Ana complained one night this week as we lay in bed reading and just enjoying a quiet evening together. “This one won’t charge!”

The battery on Ana’s tablet had been low, so she had plugged it into an extension cord to charge, but the battery level just kept getting lower and lower.

“Let me take a look,” I offered.

Ana handed me the tablet and I checked the settings. Everything seemed okay, but the battery indicator showed it was not charging at all.

“Are you sure it’s plugged in?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” she replied, holding up the power cord, which was clearly plugged into the extension cord.

“But is the extension cord plugged in?”

Ana pulled on the other end of the cord and the problem was solved. The plug had come loose from the outlet, so no power was getting through.

How about you? Is your battery running low after a long, hard week? Do you need to recharge and reconnect?

That’s what Sabbath is for. It is a time for us to reconnect with our Heavenly Father, to “Come aside…and rest awhile.” (Mark 6:31 NKJV). As we spend time with Jesus and with fellow believers, studying God’s Word, worshiping in prayer and song, God will fill us with the power we need for the coming week.

Just like Ana’s tablet needed to be connected to the power source in order to keep working, so you and I also need to reconnect with Jesus, not just on the Sabbath, but all through the week. As we spend time in daily Bible study and prayer, He will give us the power we need to face life’s daily challenges.

God promises in Isaiah 40:29 to give “power to the weak.” If you’re feeling weak and worn out today, then plug into God’s Word. When you do you’ll discover God’s promise is true that “those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (v. 31).

Have a wonderful Sabbath and remember to plug into the Power every day. Stay connected to Jesus and your battery will never run low.

Left Behind

22 May

“We have to get on that flight!”

The desperation in the woman’s voice tore my attention away from my mindless searching of the Internet while I waited for my plane to board. I was on my way home after a quick trip to Boston to surprise my mother for her 83rd birthday. I was tired, but looking forward to finishing the last leg of my journey. As I blatantly eavesdropped on the conversation one gate over, I realized I wasn’t the only one eager to get on a plane.

The passenger continued to plead with the ticket agent, but she just shook her head. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the gate is closed,” She explained. “I made multiple announcements and even paged you by name, but you never came. Now it’s too late.”

“But we’ve been sitting right over there the whole time. How could we have not heard the announcements?” the woman asked, anger beginning to replace the desperate tone she’d had earlier.

“I don’t know, but I can’t do anything for you now,” the agent replied, reaching for the gate’s door, obviously eager to escape this uncomfortable situation.

“Thanks for all your help,” the woman snarled, sarcasm dripping from every word, before storming off, her husband in tow. They’d been in the right place the whole time, but they’d still missed their flight.

What about you? Are you in the right place, but still missing God’s call? You’ve been a lifelong Christian, faithfully ensconced in your favorite pew each Sabbath, active in church activities, but have you grown too comfortable, drowsy perhaps, unaware of the time?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:42, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” (KJV)

The lady in the airport missed her flight because she wasn’t keeping watch, wasn’t paying attention. How about you? The signs of the times are everywhere. Are you keeping watch or is your heart “weighed down with…cares of this life,…so that day come upon you unawares”? (Luke 21:34 NKJV)

Right now God is calling your name, warning time is short, that it’s time to get onboard, but are you so wrapped up in “life” you’re missing the chance to really live?

It’s time to wake up my friends! It’s time to look up from your cell phones, and all the other things distracting you, and realize Jesus’ coming is “near, even at the doors.” (Matthew 24:33 KJV).

Time is slipping away. The gate is about to close. Don’t wait a moment longer. Get on board. Don’t be left behind!

Grumpy Old Men

15 May

“Sir, I’m going to need you to put your mask up over your nose.”

As I spoke I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice, but I was growing tired of having to remind my patients of the mask policy at our clinic. Some of them just couldn’t seem to get it.

“Now my blood pressure is really going to go up,” he groused before grudgingly sliding the mask back up into proper position. “I’ve got a big problem with these masks,” he complained.

Apparently he had a big problem with a lot of things, because he then launched into a litany of complaints about the government and the mess this country is in.

After listening to him ramble on for a while, I excused myself to go check on his lab results. Shutting the door, I stepped out in the hall and took a deep breath. The man was getting on my nerves!

As I passed the nurses’ station, I did a little grousing of my own to my medical assistant. “This guy’s a grumpy old man,” I complained, before reluctantly heading back to finish the visit.

In the exam room, I tried to redirect the conversation to some lifestyle factors I had concerns about. When I mentioned these things put him at risk for cancer, he looked startled and said, with a catch in his voice, “My mother’s got cancer. She’s in the hospital right now.”

Suddenly, everything fell into place. This man whom I’d labeled a “grumpy old man” was actually grieving and scared. In his pain he was striking out at anything and anyone. His anger and frustration were really a cry for help.

I left that room a few minutes later feeling ashamed. I’d judged this man without knowing about him, put a label on him without knowing his heart. I’d been ready to write him off, without first walking in his shoes. I call myself a Christian, but at that moment “Pharisee” felt like a more appropriate term.

Ephesians 4:2 tells us, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”

We all have bad days and each day we come in contact with others who are having bad days too. They rub us the wrong way, get on our nerves, make us want to scream. It’s easy to label them, when what we really need to do is love them, be patient with them, and make allowance for their faults.

You see the thing is, we don’t know their story. We don’t know what makes them act that way. We can’t feel their pain or know their despair. We’ve never walked in their shoes. Until we do we need to give them a little grace, the benefit of the doubt, and maybe a moment of our time to just let them vent.

Who knows? If we take the time to listen we may discover inside some of these “grumpy old men” there are hurting souls just needing a listening ear and to know that they are loved.

The Gift of Faith

9 May

I woke up this morning feeling very blessed. It’s Mother’s Day and, when it comes to mothers, I hit the jackpot! My mother is one of those women who makes everyone around her feel special and loved, most of all her children. She is one of the most caring, giving people I know and I’m so proud to call her “Mom”.

If I were to tell you all the ways I’ve been blessed by being Mom’s son I’d have to write a book, instead of just a blog post. Even then I still would have just scratched the surface. Mom has been my guide, my comforter, my confidant, my conscience, my example, my cheerleader and my friend. She gave me life, guided my steps, wiped away my tears, and celebrated my successes.

One of the things I admire most about Mom is her faith in God. Mom doesn’t just talk about her faith – she lives it! Her kindness, her positive attitude, the way she cares for others, always putting others’ needs above her own, all stem from her faith in God. This faith was planted in her heart by her mother, Lois, and continues to grow in Mom, blessing everyone she meets. It was her faith which got Mom through Dad’s passing 2 years ago and it is what sustains her everyday, in spite of the aches and pains that come with being in her 80’s.

Of all the things Mom has given me through the years, it is this faith in God I cherish most. Like Timothy, that faith, “which first lived in my grandmother Lois and in my mother Yvonne,…now lives in me also.” (2 Timothy 1:5 NIV – paraphrased). It is the glue that holds me together when my world falls apart, the foundation on which I’ve built my life, and the hope that keeps me looking forward to tomorrow.

This faith can be yours too. Even if you didn’t hit the jackpot when it comes to mothers, you still have a Heavenly Father who loves you. In fact, He loves you so much “he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

No matter what comes your way, God will never leave you or forsake you. Even if your own mother has forgotten you He says, “I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15) Instead, He promises, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…” (Isaiah 66:13).

Faith is a gift. It lived in my grandma and still lives in Mom and now in me. I pray it will also live in you. Today put your trust in Jesus, have faith in God and discover for yourself a love stronger than even that of a mother for her child, a love that will never let you go!

Happy Mother’s Day!

A Happy Place

1 May

Do you have a happy place? For me, I’m happiest curled up on the couch with a good book, hiking through a beautiful mountain meadow, or anywhere I can be with Ana. It is in those places I feel truly happy, content with my life.

Unfortunately, none of us get to spend enough time in our happy places. Life is so busy, so filled with demands on our time, there is little time to steal away, to go where we feel content and happy.

Often we find ourselves in circumstances or places not of our choosing, about as far as we can get from our happy place. It might be a job we hate, a marriage that’s gone sour, or something else entirely. We feel desperate, longing for a way out, for just a few precious moments in that happy place where we feel at peace.

The Apostle Paul often found himself in difficult situations, far from any place you and I would call happy. In 2 Corinthians 11 he details just a little of what he’d gone through. He says, “Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move.” (vs. 24-26).

Persecuted, imprisoned, hungry, thirsty, “in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from…fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers”, Paul seemingly had every reason to be unhappy. Yet, instead, he confidently declares, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.” (Philippians 4:12 NIV). How could he say this? What was this secret he’d found?

I think Paul had discovered the same thing Abraham had found long before him, that “the happiest place on earth for him was the place where God would have him to be.” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 126). You see what Abraham knew and what Paul learned was our happy place is not really a place, it is a Person, it is Jesus. When we are with Jesus we can be the happiest people on earth, no matter what our circumstances may be.

This coming week, when you feel the pressure building and you long to escape to your happy place, remember that place is right where you are, if you’re where Jesus wants you to be. Keep holding onto His hand and you’ll soon discover when you’re walking with Jesus every place you go is a Happy Place.