Press On!

31 Dec

Well, this is it! The last day of 2018! It’s been quite a year! How was it for you? Good? Bad? In between? When you look back on it, do you feel hope or despair, thankfulness or regret?

Our family ended 2018 with a bang! Literally! Ana and Rishana’s accident two days ago, woke us all up to how fragile life can be and how precious every moment with our loved ones truly is.

As I woke this morning and heard Ana breathing softly beside me, I didn’t think about all the things which went wrong this last year, the mistakes I made, the disappointments and regrets. No, I just lay there thanking God for the privilege of listening to her breathe, that I hadn’t lost her or Rishana, that I get to spend another day being married to this beautiful woman!

Sometimes we let our regrets and disappointments, our mistakes and failures, blind us to what really matters – the laughter of a child, the touch of a hand, the beauty of a new day, and the joy of loving someone and being loved in return. We need to follow Paul’s advice in Philippians 3:13 to forget what is in the past and press on into the future We need to concentrate on the good and leave the rest in God’s hands, looking with hope into the future.

As you close out 2018, don’t end it fretting about the things which didn’t go right, the mistakes you made, the setbacks and disappointments. Instead, “forgetting what is behind”, count your blessings and and with Jesus by your side, “press on” into a brand New Year!

Our Refuge

30 Dec

Yesterday, as I was waiting to get up to preach at Cashmere, I wondered what was holding up the rest of my family. They’d all gotten a late start, so I’d headed to church without them. They were going to come in time for the sermon, but they still weren’t there.

Suddenly, Alex burst into the sanctuary, his phone to his ear. He hurried up to the platform and said, “Mom and Rishana have been in an accident! They rolled the car!”

Forgetting all about the sermon I’d so carefully prepared, I ran out of the church, leaving a stunned congregation to fend for themselves. All I could think about was getting to my wife and daughter as fast as I could.

When we arrived at the scene, I saw Ana’s car turned over on it’s side, the roof smashed in and the windows broken out. Ambulances and police were already there, but I couldn’t see Ana or Rishana at first. Running towards the wreck I dreaded what I would find.

Imagine my relief when I saw them both standing, being attended to by the paramedics. They were pretty shaken, but okay. The paramedics ended up transporting them to the hospital as a precaution, but, other than sore necks and backs and a couple scratches, they are fine.

Psalm 91:11, 12 promises, “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.” I’m so thankful his angels were holding up Ana and Rishana yesterday!

Today, be sure to “make the Lord your refuge…make the most High your shelter.” (Psalm 91:9). He promises, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.” (v. 14). Truly, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) I’m so thankful we can count on Him!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go hug my wife and daughter for a very long time!

God bless, have a great day, and stay safe!


28 Dec

I’m so tired!

Yesterday was a very difficult day at work. The patients kept streaming in the door, right to the last minute, and their problems were not the quick and easy variety we usually see this time of year.

I admit I didn’t always do my best at maintaining the “attitude of gratitude” I talked about yesterday. There were so moments of frustration and some serious muttering under my breath. With no time to eat and patients still coming in the door, it was hard to keep my focus on the positive at times.

We finally got the last patient discharged a little after 9 PM, then had to face the piles of unfinished charts. I could barely keep my eyes open, but the charts had to be done. I got out of there finally at 10 PM.

Unfortunately, when I finally got home I was still keyed up and ended up sleeping poorly. The alarm was the last thing I wanted to hear after a restless night. I’m still feeling a little groggy, but now it’s off to work to do it all again!

I could be discouraged after a day like yesterday, but I know a secret – with God I can do anything! Starting my morning with Him sets the tone for the rest of the day. Isaiah 40:31 promises that “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

I hope your day went better than mine yesterday, but if it didn’t, don’t be discouraged. Put your hope in the Lord and He will renew your strength. With His help you can not just run or walk today. You can soar!

A Mindset of Abundance

27 Dec

This time of year I am always blown away by how blessed I am. I have good health; an amazing, beautiful wife; wonderful children; a warm home; a good job… I could go on and on. I am truly blessed abundantly.

The funny thing is I tend to lose sight of all these blessings in the hurry and scurry of life. With too much to do and too little time to do it in, I forget to take the time to cuddle with my wife or to talk to my kids on the phone. When financial challenges present themselves, I forget I have more than enough. When stresses pile up, I forget to take Jesus advice to “Come aside and rest awhile.”

Why is it we do this? After all, we serve a God who has promised to “bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV. With a promise like this why do we worry?

In this new year I intend to concentrate more on my blessings and less on the things that frustrate me. I want to have an attitude of gratitude, a mindset of abundance. After all I’ve been given the greatest gift of all – God’s Son. Everything else is just a bonus.

God bless, have a great day, and may God continue to bless you abundantly in the coming year!

Come to Him and Rest

26 Dec

Yesterday, while most of us were gathered with friends and family, opening presents, singing carols, and stuffing ourselves to the gills, many were selflessly serving others as firemen, soldiers, nurses, therapists, doctors, police, and so many others. They gave up their holiday, so we could enjoy ours.

My daughter, Rishana, was one of these. She is a COTA, an occupational therapy assistant. She works with stroke and brain injury patients, helping them regain the skills they need to take care of themselves and lead a normal life again. I am extremely proud of her and how she gives a little of herself to every patient.

The problem with giving like that, however, is by the end of the day you’re all given out. You feel like there is nothing left to give. I speak from experience here. There has been many a day I’ve come home from the office feeling like I’ve been sucked dry, with nothing left to share with my wife and children.

It is at times like these, Jesus is so dear. He understands are weakness, because He has walked in our shoes. Can you imagine how tired He must have been after long days of preaching and healing? But even in this, He showed us the way.

Worn out after a long day of serving others, Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16). From His Heavenly Father Jesus drew renewed strength and the energy He needed to face another day. By casting all His burdens on His Father, He was able to continue to carry the burdens of others.

Today, when you’re feeling worn out, when you’ve given till you feel you’ve got no more to give, follow Jesus example and go to the Father. Lay your burdens at His feet and let His love restore your soul. He will never turn you away. He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.

Take Him up on this offer today. In your hopelessness, He will be your hope; in your weakness, strength; and when you are weary, He will give you rest.

God bless and have a wonderful, new day.

Unto Us a Son

25 Dec

I remember the happiness I felt when each of my children were born. As I held those little, wrinkled, bundles of joy, it felt like my birthday, Christmas, and New Years all wrapped up in one. The love I felt, and still feel, for each one is beyond description. My children are some of the most precious gifts I’ve ever been given.

Yet there is a gift even more precious, a Gift which made all other blessings possible. Today we gather together all over the world to thank God for that Gift – His one and only Son. He is the reason for the season, the reason why we sing.

The birth of a child is always a reason to celebrate, but this Gift, this child, makes all other gifts pale in comparison. In this world which is so often dark and filled with despair, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2). That light, which first shone so long ago, continues to light our way and, if we let it, will lead us safely home.

This Christmas, as you celebrate with family and friends, I pray your heart will once again overflow with joy, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” (Isaiah 9:6) As you kneel once again before the manger, may you be overcome with awe that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

This morning, as you gather with friends and family, thank God again for Jesus. Accept Him today as your Savior, God’s Gift to you, His precious child. And may the light which first shone from the manger so long ago continue to light your way and the memory of God’s precious gift bring you hope and joy throughout the coming year!

God bless and have a very Merry Christmas!

Follow the Star!

24 Dec

For thousands of years humans have used the stars to guide us. With the stars showing the way, brave men and women have crossed great oceans, spanned vast continents, and found a path through desert wastelands. If they just kept their eyes on the stars they never had to fear getting lost.

At the time of Jesus’ birth a star rose in the east. Recognizing its significance the magi immediately set off on their quest to find “he that is born king of Jews” (Matthew 2:2 KJV). Crossing vast deserts, enduring the bitter cold of night and the scorching heat of day, they journeyed onward, ever keeping their eyes on the star.

Finally the star stopped over a humble dwelling on the outskirts of Bethlehem and it says, “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” (Matthew 2:10). Going into the house, “they saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him.” (v. 11).

In our day and age it is sometimes difficult to see the stars. What with air pollution and the bright lights streaming from our cities, we often can barely see the sky, let alone follow the stars. Besides most of us are too busy being busy, to stop and gaze at the heavens.

Yet, if we will just stop for a moment and open our eyes, we will see there is still a Star to guide us. He was the one the Magi sought so long ago. He is “the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Revelation 22:16). If we will just keep our eyes on Him we need never fear being lost.

This Christmas Eve, stop for a moment in your hectic last minute rush and look for the Star. Seek Him, “while he may be found…” (Isaiah 55:6). And when you have found Him fall down and worship Him, rejoicing “with exceeding great joy.”

This morning, let the bright beams of Jesus’ love penetrate the darkest reaches of your soul and fill your mind with “peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14). Open your heart to His leading and fix your eyes on His face.

Don’t wander through life any longer! This Christmas, follow the Star!

Wise Men Still Seek Him

23 Dec

When my children were little they used to love playing “Hide and Seek” with me. I think the reason they enjoyed it was because I was easy to find. At my size, it’s hard to find good places to hide. Also, they tended to cheat! Rishana would tell our cocker spaniel Ebony, “Go find Daddy!” Two minutes later that dumb dog would lead them right to my carefully chosen hiding place.

One thing is certain, however. With or without canine assistance, the children never would have found me if they didn’t look for me. You can only find someone thing by going in search of them.

When Jesus was born the only ones who found him were those who sought him. The shepherds could have stayed in fields after the angelic light show was over, but they would have missed out on seeing the “bright Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:16)

Likewise, if the magi had simply stared in wonder at his star in the east they would have saved themselves a long, hazardous journey, but they would have lost their chance to worship the “King of kings and Lord of Lords.” (Revelation 19:16).

This Christmas, as you look forward to the presents under the tree and stockings “hung by the chimney with care”, make sure you don’t miss out on the greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ. Search for Him as diligently as you seek for treats at the bottom of your stocking. “Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:6).

Thankfully, He’s not hard to find. When we played hide-and-seek I didn’t want my kids to find me. God, on the other hand, is eager to be discovered. He promises, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer 29:13).

Two thousand years ago wise men traveled hundreds of miles in search of their Savior. Wise men still seek Him, but our journey is much shorter – just the distance from our knees to the floor. Why not take that journey right now and invite Him into your heart today?

Come and See!

22 Dec

Every year at Christmas time, in towns all over America, people “journey to Bethlehem.” A lot of work goes into these recreations and some of the sets are quite elaborate. At Auburn Adventist Academy they’ve actually built a permanent walled town, just for this event!

I’ve been to several of these events. As you walk through Bethlehem’s gates it feels like you’ve stepped back in time. Merchants hawk their wares, camels calmly chew their cud and sheep “baah!” as you walk by. Stern-faced Roman soldiers roughly keep the crowd moving and tax collectors scheme to take your funds (I guess not much has changed in 2000 years!).

Each “Journey to Bethlehem” is different, but one thing never changes. As we approach the stable and see the babe in the manger, a hush falls over the crowd. This is what we’ve been looking for, this is what we seek – innocence, peace, hope – all wrapped up in a little child on a bed of hay.

This Christmas, even if you can’t get to one the recreations, journey to Bethlehem in your heart. For just a moment, step aside from the bustle and noise. Ignore the merchants hawking their wares. Don’t let the politician’s rhetoric steal your peace or worries about money rob you of hope. Don’t let the busyness of the season blind you to the reason for the season – Jesus Christ!

On this last Sabbath before Christmas, together “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” (Luke 2:15 NIV) Let’s go with haste and find “the Babe lying in a manger.” (v. 16) Let’s kneel and worship he who is born Christ, the Lord.

As we, in our mind’s eye, gaze once again on the Jesus’ beautiful face, may His peace steal into our souls and His love fill our hearts. As we hear the angels sing, let’s join their anthem of praise, singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”

Our journey, however, does not end at the manger. Luke 2:17 says the shepherds, “When they had seen him, they spread the word…” As we leave Bethlehem, our spirits restored and our hopes renewed, let’s do the same. Let’s spread the news wherever we go, inviting everyone we meet, “Come and see! We’ve found the King!”

God bless and Happy Sabbath!

Sing Praise!

21 Dec

Have you ever given someone a gift at Christmas time, only to have them carefully unwrap the package, flap by flap? There you are, bursting with excitement, eager to see their face when they discover what you’ve so loving bought them, but they insist on taking their time, not wanting to waste the wrapping. When this happens to me I feel like screaming, “Come on! Just rip the stupid paper!”

I think the angels must have felt like this as they hovered over Bethlehem’s hills that first Christmas night. They impatiently listened as Gabriel, solemnly told the trembling shepherds, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people…”

As Gabriel rambled on I can hear one of the angels saying, “Come on! Get on with it! We want to sing!” Bursting with joy, the angels could barely hold it in.

Finally, Gabriel finished his monologue, “ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’” (Luke 2:13, 14 NKJV).

Light erupted in the night, music filled the air, and the shepherds gaped in awe. The angels had been waiting thousands of years for this day and they couldn’t keep silent a moment longer. Their love for God and His newborn son, spilled forth in waves of praise which chased away the darkness, welcoming to earth the Light of Life.

This Christmas, as you consider what Jesus did for you, let your heart so fill with love you can’t keep it in. Don’t stay silent a moment longer. Let your joy and praise for God spill out of you in every act and every word, till everyone you meet is left standing in awe at what He’s done in your life. Let everything you do sing, ““Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

This morning, don’t be shy. Don’t keep it inside! Open your mouth and sing! Jesus Christ is Lord and King!

Merry Christmas and have joyous day!