Test Time

21 Nov

In just 11 days I will be taking my Lifestyle Medicine Boards. I’m feeling both anticipation and apprehension. Anticipation because this is something I’ve wanted to do for three years, but have had to put off once due to illness and once because of our move to Walla Walla. Apprehension because this is my last chance to take this test and I don’t feel like I’m ready.

Thankfully, I’m not in this alone. I have a Heavenly Father who has promised, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5 NIV). I still have to put in the time studying, but I am confident He will give me the wisdom I need when the time comes.

I don’t know what challenges or decisions you are facing right now, but I do know God will give you all the wisdom you need if you will just ask. Call on Him today. He won’t let you down!


I’m going to be hitting the books pretty hard the next few days, so I may not be able to post to Encouraging Words For Today every day till then. Please know, however, you will all be in my prayers and I will get back to my daily posts ASAP. Until then, please keep me in your prayers too. Thanks and God Bless!

Blown Away

20 Nov

On my walk this morning the wind was blowing pretty hard. At times it was coming at me from the front, while at other times it hit me from the side or from behind. One moment it was slowing me down and the next it was pushing me down the street.

The leaves which had fallen from the trees were also being blown around, swirling down the street. Detached from the branches where they’d been growing all summer, they had nothing to hold them in place, so they were sent spinning in whatever direction the breeze was blowing at the moment.

Without staying in constant connection with Jesus, through Bible study and prayer, each of us is at risk of being like those leaves, “tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching.” (Ephesians 4:14 NLT). We must let “Christ…make his home in [our] hearts as [we] trust in him.” Then our “roots will grow down into God’s love and keep [us] strong.” (Ephesians 3:17).

If we do this “We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” (Ephesians 4:14, 15).

Colorful autumn leaves blowing in the wind can be a beautiful thing to see, but Christians who are “tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching” are in danger of being swept away. Our only hope is to stay connected to Christ everyday and every hour and to “hold firmly to what we believe.” (Hebrews 4:14). Then, no matter how hard the winds of strife swirl around us, we won’t be blown away.

Open the Door

19 Nov

What do you usually do when a friend knocks at your door? Open the door, right?

Well, Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart right now. Don’t leave Him out in the cold.

Open the door and let Him in!

Spiritual GPS

18 Nov

The Walla Walla Valley has been socked in by heavy fog all day. It’s a cold, damp fog that penetrates into your bones and makes you just want to get home and curl up by a warm fire.

The fog also makes travel difficult, because it’s hard to see more than a short distance in front of you. If you don’t know where you’re going it’s easy to make a wrong turn.

This is one of those times I’m grateful for GPS. I just program in my destination and, as long as I follow its directions, before I know it I’m where I want to be. How in the world we got anywhere before GPS is beyond me.

It’d be nice if life came with a GPS, something to tell us when to turn and which way to go. Thankfully, it does! It’s called the Bible. Psalm 119:105 tells us, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT).

If we will faithfully study God’s Word, asking the Holy Spirit for understanding, we will know the way we should go. It’s only when we don’t follow its guidance that we lose our way.

This Sabbath don’t wander in the fog of disbelief any longer, with no clear idea where to turn. Instead, let your prayer be, “Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil.” (Psalm 119:133). Then open your Bible and let God’s spiritual GPS guide you safely back into the light.

God Bless and Happy Sabbath!

Stay Connected

17 Nov

I spent a good portion of today at WalMart, waiting to have the battery on Ana’s car replaced. The car wouldn’t start yesterday and we ended up having to jump it. I figured it was either the battery or the alternator but, since my mechanical ability is limited to changing the oil and filling the car with gas, I decided to take it to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Initial testing showed the battery was still good, but when they put it on the charger it wouldn’t hold a charge. So, I had to bite the bullet and buy a new battery. Batteries are a LOT more expensive now then the last time I bought one! Hey, but at least it’s not as bad as a bad alternator.

It’s easy to be content in our faith, going to church, singing in the choir, living a “good” life. It may seem to ourselves and others that everything is fine, but when put to the test, whether by hardship or temptation, we often fail, because we haven’t kept our spiritual batteries charged. When we need it the most we find there’s no power inside.

The only way to prevent this from happening is to stay connected to the Source, daily and even hourly recharging our spiritual life, through regular Bible study and prayer. Without that constant connection with Heaven’s Power we won’t have the energy we need when trials come our way.

Paul tells us “the word of God is alive and powerful.” (Hebrews 4:12). Take time today to stay connected to the Power found only in God’s Word. Then when you’re put to the test, “you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need.” (Colossians 1:11).

Stop Crawling – Stand!

16 Nov

Ana gets to watch our grandson 2-3 times a week and it’s so much fun to watch him grow. When we first moved here he pretty much just ate, slept, cried, and pooped, but now he’s crawling everywhere, chasing the cats and getting into everything he can reach. He’s so much fun!

As much as we’re enjoying watching him crawl, we wouldn’t want him to stop there. We’re looking forward to his first step, his first word, and all the other milestones to come. We want him to grow strong and healthy, to keep advancing and growing into the person God made him to be.

That’s what our Heavenly Father wants for you and me. He loves it when we give our hearts to Him and are born again. God cherishes us, even though our faith is still immature. He cares for us, protects us, nourishes us, because He doesn’t want us to stay baby Christians. No, He wants us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18 NIV). God wants us to become “mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:4).

Every day we need to keep studying and learning. Keep reaching higher. Keep trying harder. Keep imitating Jesus and keep “growing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:10).

If we will do this “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” (Ephesians 4:14, 15).

Our grandson is not going to be satisfied with crawling for long. He’s already trying to stand and will take his first step before we know it. I hope you won’t be satisfied with crawling through life either. Instead, I hope you will “crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1 Peter 2:2, 3).

You’ve crawled long enough. It’s time to stand – stand up for Jesus!

The Deal

15 Nov

A new fitness center opened here in Walla Walla a couple months ago. It’s state of the art, with lots of fitness machines, treadmills, free weights and other exercise equipment. Best of all, membership is only $10 a month for the first year! That’s a great deal!

I’m so glad I took advantage of this offer. Now, every time the monthly fee comes out of my checking account or I drive by the fitness center I think about the great deal I got and how wonderful it will be when I finally find the time to go workout there.

Yeah, that’s right. I’ve been a member for over two months and have yet to go there to exercise. That great deal I got isn’t going to do me any good unless I get up and go workout! I’m just pouring my money down the drain!

Sometimes people do the same thing with their faith. They’ve accepted the amazing deal our Heavenly Father offered when He promised if you “Believe in the Lord Jesus…you will be saved…” (Acts 16:31 NIV), but they never take the next step, by putting their faith into action. They forget that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17).

God doesn’t give us salvation so we can just go on our merry way, only exercising our faith when we pay our tithe or say grace over our food. The Christian life is a life of action, of stepping forward in faith, stretching our boundaries, lifting heavy burdens off others’ backs, and running “with perseverance the race marked out for us…” (Hebrews 12:1).

Until I step into that fitness center and start lifting those weights, stretching my joints, and running on that treadmill my great membership deal is just going to be a waste of money. I need to commit myself to a daily exercise program if I want my strength to grow.

In the same way, you and I commit ourselves to regularly exercising our faith, by sharing the Good News with others and helping those in need, if we want it to grow. If we don’t we’ll never become the men and women God wants us to be.

So, “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”(Hebrews 10:24). Let’s start exercising our faith everyday by telling others about this amazing deal God is offering for only a limited time – eternal life through Jesus Christ. And the best part? The dues are already paid!

Have You Seen Jesus?

14 Nov

I’ll never forget the day I saw Jesus and he let me wash his feet!

It was a normal day at the office. It had been fairly busy and I was tired when he walked in the door. You wouldn’t have recognized him. His hair was matted. His clothing was dirty and kind of ragged. A haunted, distant look was in his eyes and he mumbled his words as he checked in.

As I entered the exam room, a sour smell greeted me and I had to turn my head and catch my breath. When I asked him what he was there for, he pointed at his leg. Lifting the torn pant leg I found his leg was red and swollen, with weeping sores, and track marks clearly evident. Great, I thought to myself, another addict. Just what I need.

Trying to keep a professional attitude, I asked about how long his leg had been like this and what he’d been shooting up with. Then I got some water, poured some Hibiclens on some gauze, and began to clean pus from the sores.

That’s when I recognized him! It was like a voice whispered in my mind, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:20 NIV).

At that moment I knew I was washing the feet of Jesus! Not literally, of course, but still the feeling was so real I almost started to shake. Looking at my patient, my whole attitude changed. No longer was he just a dirty bum, an addict in need of his next fix. He was a child of God, my brother, a friend in need.

I’d like to say I then shared the Good News with him and led him to Christ, but I was too much a coward for that. I pray someone else down the road had the courage to do what I could not. Instead I finished cleaning and dressing his wounds and sent him home with a prescription for antibiotics. He left, to go back on the street, but for me something had changed. Never again would I look at my patients the same.

Now, I try to see Jesus in every patient who walks through the door. Sometimes he’s hurting or afraid. Sometimes he’s feeling down or has a cold. Sometimes he’s hard to find, but if I look hard enough he’s there, in everyone I meet.

How about you? Have you seen Jesus today?

Word Puzzles

13 Nov

I am a Wordle fanatic! I play it almost everyday. I’ve played it over 260 times and I’ve been successful 98% of the time.

For those of you who’ve been stranded on a desert island for the last couple years and don’t know what Wordle is, it’s a daily word puzzle published in the NY Times where you have 6 tries to guess the 5-letter word of the day. It’s also incredibly addicting!

Finding the right word on Wordle can be challenging, but trying to find the right words to tell someone about Jesus can be a lot harder (and even a little scary!).

You want to share the Good News, but you don’t want to offend or turn someone off. It can be scary to put yourself out there, so most of us take the safe route and just keep quiet.

The truth is, witnessing doesn’t have to be hard. You don’t have to be able to spout off proof texts or explain Daniel and Revelation. Just tell what Jesus has done for you and the “reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV). It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just tell them about your best Friend.

And, besides, you don’t have to worry about coming up with the right words yourself. The Bible promises “God will give you the right words at the right time.” (Matthew 10:19 NLT). I experience this every time I write a devotional. He’ll do the same for you if you’ll just ask.

If I miss playing Wordle once in a while it’s not the end of the world, but if I don’t tell someone about my hope in Jesus that could have eternal consequences. Witnessing doesn’t have to be a puzzle we figure out as we go, not if we prepare now, “to give an answer to anyone who asks…”.(ibid).

Together We Shall Stand

11 Nov

Yesterday was an extremely busy day at the Urgent Care Center where I work. Colds, flu, COVID. UTI’s, gout, cellulitis, lacerations. These were just a few of the conditions I dealt with. As the lone provider, I didn’t even have time to stop for lunch and ended up staying late to finish my charts.

It’s on days like yesterday I miss my colleagues at the Walk-in Clinic in Wenatchee. I miss the support and companionship of my fellow providers and the amazing group of MA’s and nurses I worked with there. We made an incredible team, supporting and encouraging each other, making each other laugh and sharing the burden on busy days. No matter what battles we faced, we fought together.

The fact of the matter is, we all need each other. Our veterans know this is true. Without the support and encouragement of their fellow warriors, both during the fight and after the battle, none would make it through. There is a special bond which forms between those who have fought together. That is one of the reasons we celebrate these amazing men and women on Veteran’s Day.

We all need to learn a lesson from our veterans. We are in a battle, a great controversy between good and evil. Overwhelming forces are arrayed against us. To survive we must stand shoulder-to-shoulder together and faithfully follow the directions of our Leader. If we try to fight alone we are doomed to fail, but together we can prevail. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NIV).

No matter what your profession or your situation, having people you can count on to support and listen to you can make all the difference. That’s why Paul cautioned us against “giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,” (Hebrews 10:25).

If you’ve had a busy week you may be tempted to sleep in and skip out on church, but I encourage you, don’t do it. In this battle called life we need the support of our fellow soldiers in Christ, that “we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” (vs. 24, 25).

So, get up, take a shower, and head to church. It’s where you belong. You need to be with other believers and they need you too. Let’s not give up meeting together, but, instead, support each other more and more, “…encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (vs. 25). We’re all in this together and together we shall stand!

God bless and have a Happy Sabbath!