Step Into the Light!

25 Dec

For most people Christmas is a time of delight, of bright lights, gaily wrapped packages, hot chocolate and mistletoe. It is a time for rejoicing and celebration, a time for good food and good times with family and friends.

Unfortunately, for many of us, the brightness of the lights and the joy of the season are dimmed by the realization of all we have lost in the past year. Memories of friends and family who have died, shattered dreams, plans gone awry, all combine to temper our joy and leave us wandering in the dark.

My family and I can definitely relate. The death of my cousin, Benji Sowers and later my father, Jay Edison, were double blows which left us reeling, questioning, dazed by the senselessness of it all. Some days it was a challenge just to put one foot in front of the other.

I know many of you have faced similar feelings in the last year, but I have good news! “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NLT). Right now it may seem you will never laugh again, that the night will never end, but I promise, the “time of darkness and despair will not go on forever…For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.” (Isaiah 9:1, 2).

Even though all may seem lost, there is reason for hope “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” (Isaiah 9:6 KJV).

It is in this child, born so long ago in a manger, my family and I have found a way out of the darkness. Jesus is “the light of the world” and He promises, “If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (John 8:12 NLT).

This Christmas, that light still shines from that stable in Bethlehem. Haven’t you wandered in the dark long enough? Accept Jesus into your life today. Give Him the gift of your heart and He will chase away the shadows and fill your life with love and joy once more. Like the shepherds of old, seek the Babe for yourself today. This morning step out of the darkness.

Step into the Light!

Seek the King!

21 Dec

This Christmas our family will gather around the Christmas tree, with its multi-colored lights and beautiful ornaments, and once again take part in that most ancient of holiday rituals – The Seeking of the PIckle!

We have an ornament, shaped like a pickle, which we hide in the tree each year. Before anyone can open a present, the pickle must be found. To encourage an enthusiastic search Ana wraps the pickle in a twenty dollar bill. In addition to the money, whoever finds the pickle gets to give the first gift and to hide the pickle next year.

I know it’s a silly tradition, but we have so much fun! It’s hilarious to watch our boys, who are both 6’5”, crawling under the tree, while their wives and our daughter shove them out of the way to get to the pickle first. The Seeking of the Pickle is a great way to kick off Christmas Day!

Christmas is a time for seeking. We seek just the right present, the perfect tree, or sometimes just a silly pickle. We seek friendship and family, someone to love, and kisses under the mistletoe. Unfortunately, in our frantic holiday rush, we sometimes forget to seek the most important gift of all – the Babe in the Manger, our Savior and King.

This has been the case from the very beginning. Not only was there no room for Jesus in the inn, but there was no room for Him in most peoples’ hearts. In search of worldly riches, power and fame, they missed out on the Pearl of Great Price.

There were some who sought Him, however. Shepherds left their flocks and Wise Men journeyed far from home to seek the baby Jesus. Theirs was not a half-hearted quest. They left all to seek the King.

We too must do the same. We must not let anything stand in our way. We must spend daily time in God’s Word and in prayer, pouring our very souls into the quest. And our search will not be in vain, for God promises, “you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV).

This Christmas why not follow shepherds example and “seek the Lord while he may be found…” (Isaiah 55:6).? Seek Him with all your heart everyday and every moment of everyday. Then, like the Wise Men and shepherds of old, “spread the word” everywhere you go, so all who hear may also go and seek the King!

Happy Sabbath and Merry Christmas!

Just a Little Bag of Nuts

14 Dec

Have you ever noticed how a little thing can make or break your day?

Yesterday was a busy day at the Walk-in Clinic. Patients were packing into the waiting room like the crowds at Wal-Mart on Black Friday. No matter how fast we went, the rooms kept filling up. To top it all off, I wasn’t feeling great. Scratchy throat. A little achy. Just kind of under the weather.

By two o’clock, I was starving. I knew if I didn’t get some food in me soon I wasn’t going to make it through the next 6 hours. I went to the break room and grabbed the container of mixed nuts I always bring with me. I knew after a couple handfuls I’d be ready to go.

Back at my desk I went to put the container down by my keyboard. Unfortunately, it slipped from my hand and hit the floor, scattering nuts in all directions. In dismay I stared at the mess. Now what was I going to do? I didn’t have time for lunch. Those nuts would have gotten me through until I could get a real break. In frustration, I kicked my chair, where a few nuts had landed, sending them spiraling down to join their companions scattered on the floor.

After calming down, with the help of my coworkers I cleaned up the mess, then, feeling a little embarrassed by my behavior, I wearily grabbed another chart and got back to work. The rest of my day was ruined, all because of some spilled nuts.

When I finally got back to my desk I discovered two small bags of mixed nuts sitting on the desktop. Carrie, one of my amazing co-workers, seeing how discouraged I was, had bought them for me with her own money. Suddenly my day looked a whole lot better! That simple act of kindness lifted my spirits and gave me the energy to keep on going.

Ephesians 4:32 reminds us to “Be kind and compassionate to one another…” Carrie could have shook her head at my little spout of temper and just gone on about her business, but instead she went out of her way to make me feel better. That little act changed my whole attitude!

In this season of giving, let’s look for little things we can do to make another person’s day. A gentle smile, a kind touch, a helping hand. It doesn’t take much, because sometimes the best gift you can give is the smallest gift of all – even just a little bag of nuts.

Merry Christmas and Happy Sabbath!