Finally Home

16 Apr

The last 3-½ months have been some of the most hectic of our lives. I started work in Walla Walla in January, but Ana had to stay behind in Cashmere, WA, because of her job and to get the house packed for our move. It was hard being apart, but it couldn’t be helped.

Each week I would work Wednesday thru Friday, drive back to Cashmere Sabbath morning, work like crazy finishing the house and packing Sunday and Monday, then drive back to Walla Walla on Tuesday, only to do it all again. It was exhausting, but we finally moved into our new house in early March. Since then we’ve been busy unpacking and finding places to put things. It’s still stressful, but at least we are finally home!

Our new home has been an adjustment. It’s a nice house on a quarter acre lot, but it’s quite a bit smaller than our old home, so we’re having to do some serious downsizing. Goodwill is going to get a windfall of donations before we’re done!

The house is also in town, which is new for us. We’re country people, so this has been a big change. Thankfully it’s a very nice, quiet neighborhood and we’re enjoying it so far. What we like the most is we’re only a few minutes from our boys, their wives, and the grandkids. To top it off, our daughter took a job here and moved down from Spokane, so we’ve got our whole family here now! God is so good!

One thing I’ve learned through all this is that home is not a place. Home is where the ones you love are. We loved our home in Cashmere and we miss our friends and co-workers there, but, even as stressful as the last few months have been, we’re so glad we moved. Being close to our kids and grandkids is amazing. We’re finally home and we’re loving every minute of it.

Moving is never fun and I hope we won’t have to do it again anytime soon. There is, however, one move I’m really looking forward to – the move to our heavenly home.

In John 14:2, 3 Jesus promised, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

Jesus wants to be with us even more than Ana and I wanted to be with our kids, so He’s gone ahead of us to prepare a home for us. Someday soon He’s coming back to move us to our new home – our final home.

That’s a Moving Day I can hardly wait for, that day when we will be, truly and forever, finally home. May that day come soon!

God bless and have a great day!