Get Out of the Boat!

24 Jan

Ana and I are going to be taking a step forward in faith in the next couple months (more on that later). I posted the following about 6 years ago and it’s reflects how I’m feeling right now, so I thought I’d repost it today:

When we hear the story of Peter walking on the water we like to get on Peter’s case for his lack of faith. After all, even Jesus, as he pulled Peter out of the drink , said to him, “You of little faith…why did you doubt?”

I think we’re too hard on Peter, though. At least he had a little faith. At least he got out of the boat. And remember, he actually did walk on water, even if for only a few steps! How many of us can say the same? For that matter, how many of us would even have the courage to get out of the boat?

We beg Jesus to work a miracle for us, to get us that new job or help us leave our old job. We plead with Him to bring the right person into our lives, Mr. or Ms. Right. We ask Him to open doors, remove mountains, or make a way through the Jordan, and He says, “Sure, let’s do it.”

That’s when we hit “pause.” He reaches out His hand and says, “Come,” but we freeze. Glued to our seats, trembling in fear, we refuse to get out of the boat, refuse to take a chance on Him. Our focus is on the waves, rather than the One who calms the seas.

When Israel was preparing to cross the Jordan the waters didn’t stop flowing until the priests stepped into the waters. When God parted the Red Sea Moses first had to hold out his staff. And before Peter could walk on the waters he had to step out of the boat.

Today Jesus is inviting you on an adventure. To all your God-given hopes and dreams, the ambitions He’s put in your heart, He is saying, “Yes.” His hand is outstretched to you right now. His voice whispers, “Come.”

What will you do? Will you stay safe and secure in the leaky boat of your humdrum existence? Or will you show a little faith, climb over the side, and walk on water?

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather walk through the storm with Jesus then ride it out alone in the boat. I’d rather go over the side, and maybe sink, then stay “safe” and never really live.

This morning, when you hear Him say, “Come”, don’t hesitate. Jump over the side and into His arms! Keep your eyes on Him and He’ll never let you down. Put your hand in His and prepare to be amazed!

Walking on water is just the beginning! So, get out of the boat and walk on the waves!

Hang in There

15 Jan

Moving last year took a toll on me. Somewhere in the midst of lifting heavy boxes and moving furniture I pulled something in my left shoulder and my neck and I’ve been dealing with pain there ever since. I’ve tried heat and cold, stretching and muscle rubs and Ibuprofen and Tylenol. In the end, what has helped the most is the physical therapy I’ve been getting the last couple months.

The only problem with physical therapy is, sometimes it hurts! I’ve got great PT’s, but even though they’re careful, sometimes when they massage the knots in my shoulder or stretch the tight muscles in my neck it’s not the most pleasant sensation. However, in the end it’s worth it. I feel so much better after a PT session and with each session my neck and shoulder keep getting better.

The Bible tells us “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11 NIV).

Sometimes God, in His love for us, has to give us a little “therapy”, applying gentle pressure, so we will let go of that cherished sin or stretching us out of our comfort zone, so we can reach higher heights in our walk with Him. It’s not always comfortable and sometimes it’s downright painful, but we must remember that God only “disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.” (vs. 10).

If I resist my physical therapist’s efforts, just because they hurt a little, I will never achieve relief from my pain. The same is true when it comes to God’s work in our lives. It may be uncomfortable at times, but if we will “endure hardship as discipline” (vs. 7), we will receive ‘the end result of [our] faith, the salvation of [our] souls.” (1 Peter 1:9).

So, if “for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials”, don’t despair. “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:6, 7).

So, hang in there, because even in the pain, God is working everything together for your good. (Romans 8:28).

Just a quick note. Life’s gotten pretty busy in my little corner of the world, so for the foreseeable future, I’ll be posting just once a week. I hope to get back to the daily devotionals in the future. Please pray that God will continue to bless Encouraging Words for Today and guide in this ministry.

Aim High

8 Jan

I’m so embarrassed!

Back in November I posted I was taking a break from writing so I could study for the Lifestyle Medicine Boards. (I passed, BTW! Thank you for your prayers.) My intention was to start posting again after taking the boards, but one thing led to another, life got incredibly busy, and now it’s been a month and a half and I haven’t written in weeks. Like I said, I’m so embarrassed!

The wonderful thing is, I serve a God of second chances. Even though I dropped the ball when it came to this blog, He’s right there to help me start again and get me back on track.

He’ll do the same for you. No matter how bad you’ve blown it, no matter how far you fall short of the goals you set, He is always there for you, ready to forgive and to help you make a new start.

So, if last year didn’t go quite as planned, if you, like me, had good intentions, but fell woefully short of where you hoped to be, don’t give up. It’s a new year, a new beginning, and God is eager to help you make a new start.

As you begin this New Year don’t let the mistakes and failures of the old year hold you back. Instead, “forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,…press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13, 14).

May God bless and guide you in the coming months and help you to always aim high, remembering “with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).