The Sound of Singing

3 Oct

This last weekend we were down in Walla Walla, visiting our kids and our granddaughter. It was great spending time with them again. We talked, caught up on each other’s lives, ate MOD pizza, and just had a great time together.

The best part for me, though, was spending time with our granddaughter, Bexlie. She’s growing so fast! She’s not just a baby anymore. She’s becoming a beautiful little girl who likes bright, shiny objects, throws a ball for their dogs, and gets into everything she can reach!

My favorite part of the day was getting to hold Bexlie and read to her while she drank her bottle before bedtime. I read her three books, which was difficult because she kept “helping” me turn the pages.

I could have kept reading all evening, but she needed to sleep. So, I sang her “Jesus Loves Me”, said a quick prayer, and put her in her crib. After kissing her good night, I turned out the light and reluctantly left her to her dreams.

I love being with Bexlie. I get so much joy out of just holding her, listening to her baby talk, and watching her play with her toys. It’s an amazing feeling I can hardly explain.

That’s how God feels about you. The depth of His love for you is beyond comprehension. He just loves being with you. In fact, Zephaniah 3:17, says He takes “great delight in you” and that He “will rejoice over you with singing.”

I love that thought. I can just see God suddenly bursting into song when one of His children chooses to spend some time with Him, when they stop their senseless pursuit of the next shining object to just be with Him for a while.

Wouldn’t you like to make your Heavenly Father break out in song today? You can, you know. Just give Him your heart. Stop running, slow down and listen. Who knows? You just might hear the sound of singing, the sound of the God of the universe enjoying being with the one He loves – You!