The Power of Prayer

20 Jun

Do you believe in the power of prayer? Ana and I do. Every morning and every evening we pray for our children. We pray for God to bless them, guide them, and, most of all, protect them. Thursday those prayers were answered in a big way!

On his way home from work Andrew had a car accident while going about 50 mph. As you can see from the picture his car was totalled. Thankfully Andrew walked away with just a bad chemical burn from the airbag on his hand and a soft-tissue injury of his arm. I shudder to think what could have happened.

Now some might say it was the ingenuity of American automotive engineering, rather than our prayers, which kept Andrew safe that day, but I know there was much more at work than well-designed safety features and crumple zones. I’ve been in enough accidents to know good engineering can only go so far. God’s angels were protecting Andrew Thursday, in answer to our prayers.

In this time of crisis thousands are discovering the power of prayer. In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, entitled The Science of Prayer, the author reports in a recent Pew Research survey more than 50% of Americans admitted to praying for the coronavirus pandemic to end.

This is good news, but why wait until a time of crisis to take advantage of the power of prayer? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray continually”. Prayer should be something we do all the time, not just when a crisis hits. It should be as natural for us as breathing, but this can only happen if we consciously choose to do so.

In the beautiful little book Steps to Christ the question is asked, “Why should the sons and daughters of God be reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence?”

Why indeed? There is power in prayer, power beyond anything we can imagine and it is ours for the asking.

This week let’s take Paul’s advice in James 5:16 to, “pray for each other” because, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Let’s together “unlock heaven’s storehouse” with the key of prayer and see what blessings God has hidden inside. Let’s together discover the power – The Power of Prayer!


Do you have a problem you can’t find a solution to, a loved one you’re concerned about, a situation keeping you up at night? If so, then share it in the comments below and we’ll pray about it together. (All prayer requests will be kept private and not shared publicly in the comments, unless you request I do so). Remember, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem, there is power in prayer. Have a Happy Sabbath! I’m praying for you!