The 100 Percent Rule

3 Jan

I love setting goals!

At the beginning of every year I make a list of all the things I want to accomplish in the coming weeks and months. Around the time of my birthday in June I reassess to see how I’m doing and at the end of the year I evaluate how I’ve done.

I’m a great goal-setter. Unfortunately, I haven’t always been a great goal-achiever.

I’m sure you know what I mean. You start out the New Year with a bang – running that mile, avoiding desserts, saving money. The first week goes great, but then a day comes when you’re just too tired to run, that cake looks so good, or you find that perfect outfit you just have to buy. Before you know it you haven’t run in weeks, you’re eating ice cream at every meal, your savings account is empty and your credit cards are full. You throw up your hands and say, “Oh well, there’s always next year!”

Don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there. I think I’ve found a solution, though. It’s called the “The 100 Percent Rule.”

Basically, “The 100 Percent Rule” states if you want to succeed in any endeavor you have commit 100 percent to it. 99 percent is never enough.

99 percent lets you sleep in late once in a while, sneak a cookie at lunch, or buy that dress instead of saving the cash. 99 percent lets you make exceptions, find excuses, and accept less than your best. In other words, 99 percent lets you fail.

At first 100 percent living seems hard, but in reality it’s so much easier than giving only 99 percent. When you make a 100 percent commitment to something decisions become easier and life gets a lot simpler.

When you’re 100 percent committed:

  • Skipping out on your daily run is no longer an option. You’re committed, so every day finds you out on the trail, rain or shine, come what may.
  • Losing weight becomes a breeze, because you’ve committed to only putting good things in your mouth, no matter what.
  • Saving money becomes second nature. Every month the first check you write is for your tithe and offering. The second goes in savings, no exceptions.

The 100 percent rule can change almost every area of your life, but the place where it will have the biggest impact is in your relationship with God.  He says in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God doesn’t want you just one day out of the week, on Sabbath. He wants a relationship with you every day, every hour and every minute. He doesn’t want just a portion of your life, but every beat of our heart. Even 99 percent isn’t enough.

A 100 percent Christian doesn’t need to ask what he should do in a certain situation. He knows! He’s fully committed to following Christ no matter what, so the answer is clear. He’ll do what Jesus would do, no exceptions allowed, 100 percent of the time.

If you want to be successful in 2018 determine to put 100 percent into whatever you do. Accept nothing less, especially when it comes to your relationship with Christ. After all, He gave 100 percent for you – and more!

God bless and have a great year!