Spiritual GPS

18 Nov

The Walla Walla Valley has been socked in by heavy fog all day. It’s a cold, damp fog that penetrates into your bones and makes you just want to get home and curl up by a warm fire.

The fog also makes travel difficult, because it’s hard to see more than a short distance in front of you. If you don’t know where you’re going it’s easy to make a wrong turn.

This is one of those times I’m grateful for GPS. I just program in my destination and, as long as I follow its directions, before I know it I’m where I want to be. How in the world we got anywhere before GPS is beyond me.

It’d be nice if life came with a GPS, something to tell us when to turn and which way to go. Thankfully, it does! It’s called the Bible. Psalm 119:105 tells us, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT).

If we will faithfully study God’s Word, asking the Holy Spirit for understanding, we will know the way we should go. It’s only when we don’t follow its guidance that we lose our way.

This Sabbath don’t wander in the fog of disbelief any longer, with no clear idea where to turn. Instead, let your prayer be, “Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil.” (Psalm 119:133). Then open your Bible and let God’s spiritual GPS guide you safely back into the light.

God Bless and Happy Sabbath!