Share the Cure!

25 Oct


My meetings over, I’m headed home. Right now I’m sitting in Seattle, waiting for my connecting flight to Wenatchee. It was a good conference, but I’m glad to be going home. I missed my wife.

My mind is overflowing with facts and statistics. It is amazing what a difference a plant-based diet can make in a person’s health! Less risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression…the list goes on and on.

I also enjoyed being with a bunch of other professionals who share my passion for making the world a better place by helping their patients make positive choices about their health. These people were on fire!

Last night the American College of LIfestyle Medicine gave T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, a Lifetime Achievement Award. He is an amazing, yet very humble man, who lives what he teaches. He was walking with a cane, because he’d broken his hip recently while playing racquetball with his son. He’s 84 years old!

As amazing as it is to see people like T. Colin Campbell able to stay incredibly active late into life, the fact of the matter is, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, eventually the sands of time run out for all of us.

Thinking about that sad fact made me realize it’s not enough to tell people how to live healthier, happier lives on this earth, because no matter what we do we all eventually die. But Christians have the cure for sickness and death within our grasp – Jesus Christ. John 3:36 promises, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.”

How can we not share this Good News with everyone we meet? To not share it is tantamount to a physician withholding a life-saving drug from a patient. It’s malpractice!

Today, everywhere you go you will meet people “without hope and without God in the world.” Ephesians 2:12 NIV. Ravaged by a terminal illness, sin, they long for a cure. You have that cure!

Lifestyle medicine offers real hope, but it is a temporary solution. Christians have the real Cure! Let’s share it with the world today!