Reflect the Light

17 Jan

One of the places Ana and I have enjoyed the most since our arrival in Kauai is the Kilauea Lighthouse and Wildlife Refuge. This beautiful lighthouse stands 180 feet above the Pacific Ocean on Kilauea Point. A national historic site and refuge to the Red-footed booby, the Hawaiian monk seal, and many other types of wildlife, this is one of the most beautiful places on the island.

For 63 years the Kilauea Lighthouse’ 9000 pound Fresnel lens reflected light from it’s lamp across the ocean waves, warning sailors away from jagged rocks which lay below. We will never know how many lives were saved because of the way that lens faithfully reflected the light.

Jesus said, in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world.” Just as the lens in the Kilauea Lighthouse reflects the light of the lamp, so we are to reflect Jesus, the light of the world, to all we meet. By our words and actions we are to warn them away from the temptations which threaten to shipwreck their souls and point them to the safe refuge found only in the arms of Jesus.

In order to do this we must make our relationship with Jesus a top priority. The Kilauea Lighthouse required a tremendous amount of maintenance to keep it functioning properly. In fact, the pulley system which moved the lens had to be reset every 3.5 hours to keep the light pointing in the right direction.

Likewise, if we are to continue to properly reflect Jesus to the world, we too must reset are spiritual lives frequently, spending time daily in prayer and Bible study, realigning our lives with the light shining from the Cross. Then, as we “with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,” we will be “transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

The Kilauea Lighthouse no longer shines, a victim of the ravages of time and the advance of modern technology. Today, make sure your light never goes out. Spend time each day with Jesus and His Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to polish out the defects in your character, that you will, wherever you go and whatever you do, always do this one thing – Reflect the Light!