Quiet Heroes

6 Apr

Today I’d like to tell you about a quiet hero. Nannette Kelly is a dental hygienist in northern Vermont. She is also my little sister and one of my favorite people in all the world.

Nan tends to be quiet and a little shy, but inside she has a passion for people’s health and not just their oral health. Recently Nan has stepped way out of her comfort zone, becoming a vocal advocate for disease prevention, especially when it pertains to oral health and diabetes. In spite of trembling knees and a racing heart, Nan has spoken at gatherings of healthcare professionals, worked with focus groups, and trained other providers about this important topic.

Much to Nan’s chagrin, her efforts are now getting some well-deserved recognition. This has led to other speaking invitations and she was recently interviewed for an upcoming issue of ACCESS, the magazine of the American Dental Hygienist Association.

Temporarily laid-off because of the danger COVID-19 poses to dental care providers, Nan isn’t wasting her unexpected free time moping at home. Instead, she has joined several of her co-workers to sew desperately needed masks and gowns for healthcare workers, putting into action Paul’s admonition for us to set “an example to them by doing good works of every kind.” (Titus 2:7 NLT)

As you can tell, I’m very proud of my little sister, but I know Nan is just one of thousands of quiet heroes working behind the scenes in this time of crisis to help others and demonstrate the love of Jesus in action. We owe each an incredible debt of gratitude.

Thank you Nan and all you other quiet heroes. Although it may seem like no one sees the difference you make, God does, and he promises that one day “the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light.” (1 Timothy 5:25 NLT)

Make sure and check this space tomorrow for the story of a Homebound Hero, a mother who, in spite of being “stuck” at home, is making a real difference in several children’s lives.

Until then, do you know another quiet hero? Please tell us their story in the comments below.