Kind Words

27 Sep

“You’re a great doctor!”

These kind words, from the mother of a child I had just seen, came at just the right time. It had been another long day and I was tired. Her words were just the pick-me-up I needed at that moment. Even though it was a little embarrassing, and I’m not sure I deserved her assessment that I’m a “great doctor” (especially since I’m a PA, not a doctor), it still brightened my day and gave me the boost I needed to keep going.

Kind words have such amazing power. Even when they’re undeserved, they can change a person’s outlook, bring comfort, and make their day. As Solomon wrote, “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Proverbs 16:24 NLT).

Showing kindness, whether by words or deeds, is always the right thing to do, even if the person we’re dealing with doesn’t seem to deserve it. After all, if God treated any one of us the way we deserve, we’d all be in trouble. Instead, God “is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.” (Ephesians 1:7).

Today you will run into all types of people, some who are pleasant to be around and others you’d rather avoid. No matter the circumstances, showing a little kindness can make a big difference. Even if it feels like the person doesn’t deserve a break, give it to them anyway.

Wherever you go today, choose to be kind. Spread kind words like honey and sweeten someone’s soul.