His Angel Goes Before You

28 Aug

When we decided to make the move from upstate New York to Washington State in 2001, we didn’t know a soul out here. We didn’t have a place to go to or a house to live in. All I had was a new job on the other side of the country. It was a little unsettling, to say the least.

I went ahead of the family to find us a place to live. It was difficult being away from my wife and kids, but I needed to find them a home before I dragged them all the way across the country.

I can’t say I did a great job on that first purchase. The house was pretty dumpy. There were snails in the bathtub, broken cupboard doors, and I ended up having to rebuild the whole bathroom due to water damage. It was not ideal, but it was all I could find that fit our budget.

When we moved to Chehalis a couple years later and then to Wenatchee in 2007, I did the same thing, going out ahead of the family to prepare the way. The choices I made weren’t always the best and some of the places we’ve lived have left a lot to be desired. My family had to endure some pretty difficult situations, because of my mistakes. Thankfully, they’re a pretty forgiving bunch, which is one reason I love them each so much.

Like He did with us, God may sometimes ask you to strike out into the unknown. When this happens He doesn’t want you to not worry about the destination. Instead He asks you to follow the example of Abraham, who “when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8 NIV).

It can be disconcerting, starting out like that, but just as I went ahead of the family to find a place to live, so God promises to “send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20 KJV).

The good news is, unlike me, God won’t make any mistakes. The place He chooses for you, whether on this earth or in heaven, will be the best place for you. In fact, it will be better than you can imagine! 1 Corinthians 2:9 promises, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

I don’t know what journey God is asking you to take right now, but don’t be afraid to take that first step. Just go forward, confident that God’s Angel goes before you. He will guard you every step of the way and bring you safely to the place God’s prepared for you. Just “Pay attention to him and listen to what he says.” (vs. 21). He will never lead you astray.