He’s Listening

24 Aug

My job has many perks, but one of the biggest is getting to take care of children. I enjoy making them laugh, talking to them, putting them at ease. Unlike so many adults, children are so honest, without any pretenses. With a child, what you see is what you get!

Dealing with children in the Walk-in Clinic can be a challenge, though. They’re scared and it can be hard to get them to relax and open up to me. I’ve found it helps is to get down on their level. At almost 6’ 3”, that can take some work!

I pull up a stool and bend forward, so I can look them in the eye. Then I talk quietly with them, sometimes joking or teasing, trying to get them to relax, before I ask them questions. When they do finally open up and start talking, I try to really listen. When you do that, it’s amazing what you can learn. Kids are pretty perceptive little creatures!

God deals with you and I the same way. He knows we’re kinda scared of the whole idea of Him. After all, He is God and all that. He can snuff any of us out with just a wink or a word. That’s scary!

It’s hard to relate to someone that powerful, which is why God sent His Son to this earth. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…”. (NIV).

God got down on our level, so we could be comfortable with Him. “Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood.” (Hebrews 2:14 NLT)

Jesus is one of us. He’s someone we can relate to, relax with, talk with. As we get to know Jesus, we get to know the Father too and come to realize He’s someone we can trust.

When we do finally open up and start talking, we can be sure our Heavenly Father will hear us. Psalm 116 tells us when we pray God “bends down to listen”. He “hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.”

I love that image, the God of the Universe bending down to listen to me! I can deal with a God like that, a God who loves me so much He gets down on my level, so He can hear what I have to say.

This morning God is bending down to listen to you. Don’t be afraid. Open your heart and tell Him your worries and your fears, your wants and your needs.

“In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6). And may “…the peace of God, which transcends all understanding…guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (v. 7).

God bless and have a Happy Sabbath!