God’s Crowning Glory

9 Aug

I’d like to introduce you to our first grandchild, Bexlie Fae Edison. Ain’t she a beauty? She was born late Thursday night. Ana and I are already head-over-heels in love and we only just met her yesterday afternoon. Because of pandemic restrictions we couldn’t see her in the hospital, so we had to wait until she came home to see her for the first time.

It’s been a long nine months waiting for Bexlie to make her appearance, but now that she’s arrived, we can’t wait to start to get to know her. It’s going to be so much fun having a little one in the family again.

Proverbs 17: 6 says, “Grandchildren are the crowning glory and ultimate delight of old age…” and now that I have a grandchild of my own I see what Solomon was talking about. I’m thrilled to be this little lady’s Grandpa and I’m looking forward to all the fun we’re going to have with her as she grows.

I’m going to cherish the moments holding her, rocking her and just listening to her laugh. When she gets older I’ll sit on the floor with her and we’ll have tea parties together (if I can get my old joints to bend that far). I’ll read her stories and make up tales of mice who go on adventures and knights who rescue young damsels. We’ll go for walks and have long talks and just enjoy being together. And wherever she goes and whatever she does Bexlie will know one thing – she is deeply and completely loved.

From the moment I saw Bexlie’s picture for the first time I knew I would do whatever it takes to keep her safe and to care for her needs. She’s my granddaughter, my “crowning glory and
ultimate delight” of my “old age”. I will do anything for her (even if it means changing a poopy diaper or two).

That’s how your Heavenly Father feels about you. You, with all your weaknesses, faults, and scars, are His “crowning glory and ultimate delight”. He loves you with an everlasting love (Isaiah 61:8) and He’ll do whatever it takes for you to be happy and safe. After all that’s why He gave His Son to pay the price for your sin, so “that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

With Ana and I living 3-½ hours away it’s going to take time (and a lot of driving) for us to get to know our granddaughter, but you can start to get to know your Heavenly Father right away. Just open His Word and read His love letter to you. Spend every day with HIm, laughing, talking, sharing stories, and just enjoying the hours together.

You’re even more precious to God then Bexlie is to us. You are His “crowning glory and ultimate delight.” Give Him your heart today and discover for yourself what it’s like to really, truly be loved.