Free Indeed

20 Sep

Recently our neighbor called sounding distressed. Turns out her cherished cat had gone missing and she was hoping we’d seen it. Unfortunately, we hadn’t, but I assured her we’d keep an eye out for it.

A few days later we thought we saw the cat in our garden, so we put a live trap out to try and catch it. A week went by without any luck, but we left the trap set.

This morning Ana went to feed the chickens and a few minutes later called me outside. We hadn’t caught the cat, but we did catch Pepe’ Le Pew! Now we had to figure out how to release a very unhappy skunk without getting sprayed.

At first I tried using a long pole to lift the lever to open the trapdoor, but that just got the skunk agitated. Ana tried slowly walking towards it while talking softly. This only earned her a warning foot stamp and a raised tail, so she quickly backed off.

Finally, we were able to cover the trap with a tarp and I opened the door with a rake. Pepe’ scurried off into the field without even a simple “thank you”. Ungrateful critter! But, heh, at least we didn’t get sprayed!

Later, as I headed to church, I thought how we are like that skunk sometimes. Ana and I were just trying to set it free, but it saw us as only a threat. Likewise, we many times find ourselves caught in traps of our own making, surrounded by temptation, with no apparent way out. When this happens, God is right there, offering to help. Unfortunately, instead of letting Him help, we see Him as a threat. We blame Him for our predicament and reject His assistance. We try to wiggle out on our own, only to find ourselves worse off than before.

How much better it would be if we’d just “Trust in the Lord with all [our] hearts and lean not on [our] own understanding…” (Proverbs 3:5 NIV). If we will learn to do this, to submit to God’s leading, then Jesus promises when we face temptation He will “show [us] a way out so that [we] can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT).

This week when temptation comes your way, instead of trying to fight it on your own, ask Jesus to show you the way out. Remember, on your own you’re sure to fail, but “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36 NIV).