Free Indeed

19 Jun

On this date, June 19, in 1865, Major General Gordon Granger notified the last of enslaved African Americans in Texas they had been set free – two and a half years before!

The Emancipation Proclamation had been issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, setting over 3.5 million African Americans in the Confederate States free. For two and a half years the African Americans had continued to labor under their cruel taskmasters, not realizing they were free. Why? Because no one had told them!

Over 150 years later, millions still remain enslaved, carrying heavy burdens of guilt, addictions, sorrow, and sin. What makes this even more tragic is that these same people were set free over 2000 years ago, when God’s Son died for them on the cross and John 8:36 promises “if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” Yet so many still struggle under their heavy loads. Why? Because no has told them they are free!

This June Nineteenth, as our nation celebrates the end of slavery, let us also celebrate the freedom we can find only by faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. And let’s not forget to share this wonderful news with those still entrapped by sin and guilt – they can be free, free indeed!