Free Indeed

6 Nov

I had the most amazing experience last Sabbath! I held a deer in my arms!

I had accidently left the gate open to our garden and when I looked out my window I saw a doe and her two fawns happily munching down on tomatoes, basil and squash.

When I entered the garden to shoo them out, they freaked! Frantically they ran back and forth, trying to escape. Finally, the mother and one fawn found the gate and ran out, but the other fawn chose to throw himself repeatedly against the fence, ending up stuck in the wire about 5 feet off the ground.

He struggled for a minute, then gave up, hanging there pathetically and bleating for help. I cautiously approached him and took him in my arms. Lifting him up, I carefully pulled his legs and head free and set him down on the ground. He immediately ran out the gate, without even saying, “Thank you.” Ungrateful creature!

It was so cool holding that fawn in my arms! I’ll never forget the feeling! Later, however, I got thinking about how much like him I am. Far too often I go wandering into places or situations where I don’t belong, seeking pleasure or just a distraction, but instead find myself trapped by my own wants and desires, unable to break free.

Then Jesus comes to help me and show me the way out, but I run away, afraid to give control, trying to free myself on my own. Instead, I end up even more helplessly ensnared than before.

Finally realizing I can’t free myself, I stop struggling and bleat for help. Without hesitation, Jesus takes me in His arms and gently lifts me out of the mess I’ve put myself in. Unfortunately, like the fawn, once I’m free, I too often run away again, without even a “Thank you” for what He’s done.

Thankfully, I’m learning slowly, learning if I stay close to Jesus, like the other fawn stayed close to its mother, I don’t have to get entangled by my mistakes in the first place.

All of us, at one time or another, have found ourselves in similar situations, trapped by our “sin that so easily entangles.” (Hebrews 12:1) The next time this happens to you I hope you’ll take a lesson from the fawn. Stop struggling and call out to Jesus for help. Don’t be afraid. He loves you and He promises, “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” (John 6:37 NIV).

No matter what the sin that has you trapped today, God can provide a way out. If you let Him, He will take you in his arms and set you free. And “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36).

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