Even in the Valley God is There

19 Feb

We live in a beautiful mountain valley in the Cascade foothills. I love this place, but there are days, especially in winter, when I wish I had the faith to say to the mountains around us “Move from here to there.” (Matthew 17:20)

The dark days of winter are made even darker by the mountains blocking the sun. There are days when the sun doesn’t hit our house till about 9 AM and sets by 4 PM. Add in a little fog you begin to question if the sun will ever shine again.

Life can be like that sometimes. Problems surround us, blocking our view of the Son. Life can seem dark, dreary, cold, like our valley on a winter morning.

It is in times like these, the days we walk through life’s darkest valleys, when the words of Psalm 23:4 mean so much. It says there, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for [God is] with me.”

But how is God with me?

He is there in the touch of a friend’s hand, a smile from a stranger, a kind word or a comforting hug. He is there when you and I care for each other.

It is in life’s darkest valleys we need each other most. It is through you and me God reveals Himself to others. As we reflect His love to those around us, we light their way through the dark.

Today, don’t give into the gloom. Reflect the Son! Let God’s love reflect off you and brighten someone’s day. Show those you meet they need “fear no evil”, for God is with them. Even in the darkest valley, He is there, in the touch of someone who cares.