Breaking the Silence

19 Mar


When I was in my early 20’s I worked at a hospital in Auburn, NY as an orderly. The floor I was on was primarily for geriatric patients, many of whom were in the final stages of dementia. You could tell where you were on the floor by the noises coming out of each room. Each patient had their own routine, often shouting the same things day after day.

There was one woman I especially remember. Hour after hour, she yelled, “Help me! He-e-elp me!” Now, she was by no means neglected. We took very good care of her, keeping her clean and bathed, gently caring for all her physical needs, so it was somewhat of a mystery why she shouted this over and over.

One day as I was caring for her, I asked, “Why do you shout ‘Help me’ all day long?” I’ve never forgotten her response. Looking up at me, she whispered, “To break the silence.”


Loneliness is epidemic in our society, not just in nursing homes, but also in boardrooms, churches, and school playgrounds. Thousands, as Thoreau wrote, “live lives of quiet desperation”, longing for friendship, love, or just to be noticed, to have someone show they care.

When this need is not met, they either withdraw deeper into themselves or cry, “Help me!” to “break the silence.” Too often this cry for help is manifested in self-destructive ways, such as drug or alcohol abuse, risky sexual behaviors, or suicide. The truly desperate may turn to violence, breaking the silence with the sound of gunfire, as we saw recently in Parkland, Florida.


Jesus came to this world to “break the silence”, to “proclaim good news to the poor…to bind up the brokenhearted…to comfort all who mourn…” (Isaiah 61). This is to be our work too. The One “who comforts us in all our troubles” tells us to “comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4.

We all are lonely at times. We all need the comforting touch of a friend, a voice of love to break the silence of our despair. In lifting each other’s burdens, our own burdens become easier to bear. Breaking the silence for another helps us to hear the voice of God for ourselves.

As you start another week, strive to listen to the world with God’s ears. Hear the cries of “Help me!” echoing in the silence and answer the call. Be a friend to the friendless, bring hope to the hopeless, and comfort to those who grieve. Let Christ’s love fill your heart and let Him use you today to “Break the Silence” in another person’s soul.

God bless and have a wonderful day!