Breakdown Time

6 Jun

I woke up yesterday morning and knew something was wrong. My head hurt, my nose was stuffed, and I couldn’t stop coughing. I’d been going, going, going all week, not getting enough rest, and now I was paying the price. It was breakdown time! I was sick!

After calling into work and making a quick trip to town to get tested for COVID (negative, thankfully) I crawled back into bed and spent most of my day sleeping. I couldn’t concentrate, I ached all over and couldn’t stay warm. It was generally a miserable day. I hate being sick!

I’m a little better today, but still feeling totally wiped out. I watched church online, then went back to bed. Later I got up, ate lunch, and went back to bed. Crawled to the bathroom and went back to bed. I know Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest, but this is ridiculous! I just hope I feel better tomorrow.

We all have days like these, where we’re feeling under the weather, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Our get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went, our energy is drained and just putting one foot in front of the other is a challenge. We’re tired, discouraged, and our soul aches almost as much as our body. We’re breaking down and we can’t seem to do anything about it.

It’s in these moments Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28 means the most to me. He says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Work is good and we all strive to do our best, but if we let it, it can take over our lives. If we just keep charging ahead, never taking time for a pit stop, we’re going to break down, physically and spiritually. Believe me, I know!

So, before you go charging into a new week, take a moment to “Come aside…and rest awhile.” (Mark 6:31). Set your burdens down at the Cross, take a load off your feet, and just spend a little time with the One who loves you more than life itself. Don’t risk another breakdown. Come to Jesus today – and rest.