A New Attitude

10 Oct

Yesterday I did an I&D on a large cyst on a patient’s chest which had been causing him pain for several days. When I made the incision it exploded with a very satisfying “pop” (I know that’s gross, but just ask Dr. Pimple Popper – this is the fun stuff!). I placed a drain, covered the wound with a dressing and sent the patient on his way with a tiny hole in his chest and in a lot less pain than before.

Walking back to my desk I thought, “I love this job.” The thought stopped me in my tracks and I almost laughed out loud, because this is the same job I hated when I left over a year and a half ago. At that time I could hardly wait to get out of here, but now I’m back and I’m loving it!

So, why the change? The work is still just as hard, the hours just as long, and I’m still just as exhausted at the end of a 12 (or 13 or 14) hour shift as I was before, but now I’m loving every minute of it. So, what made the difference? It’s called attitude!

Last year, after struggling with God about my career for decades, moaning and groaning and begging Him to get me out, I finally gave up and gave Him control. I surrendered to Him, giving myself to Him as “a living and holy sacrifice.”

When I did this God did the most amazing thing! He transformed me “into a new person by changing the way [I] think.” In other words He gave me a new attitude!

Life is so much better now. I get up eager to get to work and I go home feeling like I made a real difference. I even enjoy my days off better, because I’m not dreading having to go back to work. I just wish I’d let him do this 30 years ago, at the beginning of my career, instead of now, towards the end. But, oh well, better late than never!

Our attitudes make all the difference in how our lives turn out. They determine whether we’re happy or miserable in our jobs, our marriages, or whatever situation we find ourselves in. They even determine how successful we will become. As Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

Philippians 2:5 says we “must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” This is the real secret. Jesus “took the humble position of a slave and was born a human being.” (Philippians 2:6). He did this out of His love for you and I and He wants us to do the same for each other, to not “look out only for your own interests, but take interests in others, too.” (v. 3).

Are you feeling miserable in your job like I was not so long ago? Is your marriage a mess? Are you just dragging yourself through the day? If so, then it’s time for an attitude adjustment. Give yourself to God today as “a living and holy sacrifice” and “let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes” (Ephesians 4:23), giving you “the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” .

Haven’t you been miserable long enough? Let Jesus take control today and discover how wonderful it feels to have a new attitude – an attitude of gratitude!

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