A Different Point of View

29 Oct


Sometimes we humans are so blind!

We look at each other and see only the outside. We see a black man or a white woman. We see a Muslim or a Jew, a bum or a banker, a junkie or a nurse, and we form opinions, without really knowing anything about who they really are underneath.

We miss out on so much because of our tendency to judge by the superficial, seeing only our differences, rather than how we are alike. This leads to hatred, prejudice, injustice, and strife. It leads to misunderstanding, arguments, disagreements. In extreme cases it leads to violence, like we saw this weekend in Pittsburgh.

However, if we have let Jesus into our lives, we see each other differently, because “we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view.” 2 Corinthians 5:16. Now, “Christ’s love controls us” (v. 14). Our eyes are open and we no longer see our differences, but only our shared identity as children of God. With Christ’s love in our hearts, “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For [we] are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28.

Today, don’t settle for stumbling through life, blind to the needs and hurts of others. Stop “evaluating others from a human point of view.” Instead, ask God to open your eyes that you may see the child of God in everyone you meet.

God bless and have a beautiful day!