A Light for Your Path

20 Aug

Getting lost in the dark is no fun!

I remember a time when I was a teenager and a bunch of us hiked up to a lake in the Adirondacks. We ended up having too much fun and lost track of time. The sun set while we were still on the trail back to camp and it got so dark we couldn’t see the person standing next to us. We were one scared bunch of teenagers!

We hadn’t brought flashlights and we were desperate for light, so we could find our way.. We even tried to use someone’s sock to make a torch, but it was too sweaty to burn. Finally, we got together and asked God for help. Soon after that the moon came out. Oh, that was a beautiful sight! Finally we could see our way through the darkness.

We live in a dark world. Sometimes the darkness feels overwhelming and it seems like we’ll never find our way home. But even in our darkest hour there is a light we can count on. Psalm 119:105 tells us God’s Word “is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” It’s “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” (John 1:5 NLT).

This week, if you’re feeling lost and the way ahead seems dark and scary, open your Bible and let its light show you the way home!

He’s Waiting For You

13 Aug

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about moving to College Place are my morning walks. This is such a pretty little town and a great place for walking. Every morning I head out the door, usually just as the sun begins to rise, and set out on my route. I usually walk past the beautiful Walla Walla University campus and then down past the academy and then circle back home.

As beautiful as my route is, it’s not the colorful flowers or the majestic trees I enjoy the most. What I love most about my walks is I never have to walk alone. I have a constant companion who is waiting for me as I step out the door. As we walk together He listens to my every word and shares His thoughts and plans with me. Those quiet moments are the best part of my day!

Some mornings it’s hard to get out of bed and I think about skipping my walk in favor of a few minutes extra sleep. But then I hear my Him whisper, “Come and talk with me.” I can’t resist the invitation and “my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.’” (Psalm 27:8 NLT). Minutes later I’m heading down the street, talking with and listening to my Best Friend.

This morning God wants to walk and talk with you too. He wants to hear your hopes and dreams, your hurts and sorrows, your questions and your plans. Right this moment He is whispering in your heart, “Come and talk with me.”

God has so many things He wants to tell you today, “great and unsearchable things you do not now.” (Jeremiah 33:3). Don’t miss your chance. Don’t wait till tomorrow. “The ‘right time’ is now. Today is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

This morning, when you hear God calling, don’t hesitate. Instead, get up and get going! He’s waiting for you!